Rental Tools & Calculators

Explore our collection of tools designed to make renting easier and smarter.

Budgeting Tools

Rent Affordability Calculator

Calculate how much rent you can afford based on your income and expenses.

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Savings Tracker

Track your savings goals for a security deposit or down payment.

Coming Soon

Rent vs. Buy Calculator

Compare the financial impact of renting versus buying a home.

Coming Soon

Utility Cost Estimator

Estimate monthly utility costs for your rental property.

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Moving Tools

Moving Cost Estimator

Estimate the cost of your upcoming move.

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Lease Management

Lease Signing Checklist

A comprehensive checklist for signing a new lease agreement.

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Rent Payment Tracker

Keep track of your rent payments and due dates.

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Lease Agreement Analyzer

Scan PDF lease agreements to identify key terms and potential issues.

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Renter Score Calculator

Assess and improve your rental history strength for future applications.

Coming Soon

Roommate Tools

Bill Splitting Calculator

Easily split bills among roommates.

Coming Soon

Roommate Chore Tracker

Track and rotate chores with your roommates.

Coming Soon

Need a specific tool?

We're constantly adding new tools to help renters. If you have a suggestion, let us know!

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